أحساس مهمل
آًهـُـلْــًــُآ وْسْهًـُلـْـُـًآ
بُكًـمْـ فْ مُنتدًئ آحُسـآْس مهُمــًل.ْ
أحساس مهمل
آًهـُـلْــًــُآ وْسْهًـُلـْـُـًآ
بُكًـمْـ فْ مُنتدًئ آحُسـآْس مهُمــًل.ْ
أحساس مهمل
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى المعرفة والتواصل ونشر الثقافة والمعلومات المفيدة. ... فالمنتدى منتداك وهو بيتك الثاني ونتمنى لك قضاء اوقات سعيدة ومفيدة اسرة منتدى احساس مهمل .........احساس مؤلم ما أصعـــــب..أن يذهب بلا رجوع فتبكي بلا... دموع..... ومااصعب أن تشعر بالضيق....وكأ
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 دروس اللغه الانجليزي للي الصف التاسع

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


mms mms : دروس اللغه الانجليزي للي الصف التاسع A62
عدد المساهمات : 141
نقاط : 195
السٌّمعَة : 5
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/09/2011
العمر : 26
الموقع : https://mhmal.yoo7.com/register?agreed=true&step=2
المزاج مزااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااج

دروس اللغه الانجليزي للي الصف التاسع Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: دروس اللغه الانجليزي للي الصف التاسع   دروس اللغه الانجليزي للي الصف التاسع I_icon_minitimeالخميس أكتوبر 20, 2011 4:53 am

1- Tareq couldn’t sleep.
لم يَستطيعُ طارق أَنْ يَنَامَ.
He listened to the sounds from the street,
استمعَ إلى الأصواتِ مِنْ الشارعِ،
he smelled the flowers from the garden
شمّ رائحة الزهور مِنْ الحديقةِ
and he felt the warm air in his room
وأحسَّ الهواءَ الدافئَ في غرفتِه.
Everything was familiar.
كُلّ شيء كَانَ مألوفَ.
He was living again in the house
هو كَانَ يَعِيشُ ثانيةً في البيتِ
where he was born.
حيث وُلد.
But it was also very different from his old home in Canada.
لَكنَّه كَانَ أيضاً مختلفاً جداً عن بيت القديم في كندا.
Then he thought again about the next morning
ثمّ فكر ثانيةً حول الصباح التالي
– his first day at his new school.
- يومه الأول في مدرستِه الجديدةِ.
Was he excited or nervous?
هَلْ هو متحمّس أَو عصبي؟
He didn’t know.
هو لَمْ يَعْرفْ.
He was thinking about his new school
هو كَانَ يُفكّرُ بشأن مدرستِه الجديدةِ
when he finally fell asleep …
عندما نَامَ أخيراً …

2- The next day,
اليوم التالي،
Tareq was studying a book in the school library
كَانَ طارق يَدْرسُ كتاباً في مكتبةَ المدرسةَ
when somebody spoke to him.
عندما تَكلّمَ شخص ما معه.
Hussein: Hello, I’m Hussein. I think we’re
in the same class.
حسين: مرحباً، أَنا حسين. أعتقد نحن في نفس الصنفِ.
Tareq: Oh, hello. My name’s Tareq.
طارق: أوه، مرحباً. اسمي طارق.
Hussein: What are you reading?
حسين: ماذا تَقْرأُ؟
Tareq: It’s a book about Bosra.
طارق: كتاب حول بصرى.
I’m reading lots of books about ancient history at the moment. I love it!
أَقْرأُ الكثير مِنْ الكُتُبِ حول التاريخِ القديمِ في هذه اللحظة. أنا أَحبُّه!

Hussein: I quite like it. But I prefer science.
حسين: أَحْبُّه تماماً. لَكنِّي أُفضّلُ العِلْوم.
Where was your old school?
أين كَانتْ مدرستكَ القديمة؟
Tareq: I went to a school in Canada. My dad’s a university professor,
and he taught Arabic literature in Montreal.
طارق: ذَهبتُ إلى مدرسة في كندا. أبّي أستاذ جامعةِ
حيث علّمَ الأدب العربي في مونتريال.
Hussein: How long did you live there?
حسين: كم طول المدة التي عِشتَها هناك؟
Tareq: For six years.
طارق: لستّ سَنَواتِ.
Hussein: That was a long time!
Have you got any brothers and sisters?
حسين: ذلك كَانَ وقتاّ طويل!
هَلْ لَديكَ أيّ إخوة وأخوات؟
Tareq: I’ve got one sister, that’s all.
طارق: أنا عِنْدي أختُ واحدة، ذلك كُلّه.
Hussein: Me too! Is she older than you?
حسين: وأنا أيضاً! هَلْ هي أكبر سنّاً منك؟
Tareq: No, Salwa’s only eleven. What about you?
طارق: لا، وحيد سلوى أحدَ عشرَ. ماذا عنك أنت؟
Hussein: Nadia’s fourteen. She loves writing.
حسين: ناديا عمرها أربعة عشر. وتحبّ الكتابة.

3- Tareq and Hussein soon became good friends.
وسرعان ما أصبحَ طارق وحسين أصدقاء جيدينً.
They always had lots to talk about.
كَانَ عِنْدَهُمْ الكثير دائماً ليتَحَدُّثوا بشأنه.
One day, Hussein told Nadia about Tareq’s life in Canada.
في أحد الأيام، أخبرَ حسين نادية عن حياة طارق في كندا.
She wrote articles for her school Internet magazine.
كَتبتْ مقالاتَ لـمجلةِ الإنترنتِ بمدرستِها.
And she was always looking for new stories.
وهي كَانتْ تَبْحثُ عن القصصِ الجديدةِ دائماً.
Nadia: That’s a really interesting story, Hussein.
نادية: ذلك a قصّة مثيرة جداً، حسين.
Hussein: Why don’t you write an article
حسين: لماذا لا تَكْتبُين مقالةً
about Tareq and his life in Canada?
حول طارق وحياته في كندا؟
Nadia: That’s a great idea.
نادية: تلك فكرة عظيمة.
Hussein: I’ll see him tomorrow
حسين: أنا سَأَراه غداً
and he can give me more information!
و يُمْكِنُ أَنْ يَعطيني المزيد من المعلوماتَ!
Vocabulary feelings:
(Student Book)P13
EX 1:
1. upset منزعج
2. angry غاضب
3. scared فزع
4. nervous عصبي
5. impressed أثّر
6. worriedقلق
7. embarrassed أحرج - أربك
8. excited متحمس

EX 2:
1. The story is going to be about an old buried city. Maybe they will travel and have an adventure there.
2. They are Tareq, Nadia, Hussein, and Hussein’s sister.

EX 3:
1. Canada
2. He didn’t know whether he was excited or nervous.

EX 4:
1. He was a university professor who taught Arabic
2. For six years.
3. They have one sister.
4. Tareq’s sister is 11; Hussein’s sister is 14.
5. Tareq and his life in Canada.
6. He asked her to write an article about Tareq and his life in Canada.
7. Tareq might give to Hussein more information about the weather, the population, the main language, the people's activities and about its cities.

EX 5:
1. He listened to the sounds from the street.
2. He smelled the flowers from the garden.
3. He was thinking about his first day at his new school.
4. He was reading a book about Bosra.
5. He went to school in Canada.
6. Nadia decided to write an article about Tareq and his life in Canada.
7. Yes. It would be an interesting topic because we are curious about the Canadian nature and how people live.

(Student Book)P14
v I remember …
أنــا أتـذكـّـر
When I was a child,
عندما أنا كُنْتُ طفلاً،
my mother was a carpet weaver, and I used to help her.
كَانتْ أمّي حائكة سجادِ، واعتدت على أن أُساعدُها.
I’d get the coloured wool ready for her.
كنت أَحْصلُ على الصوفِ الملوّنِ جاهزاً لها.
I used to watch her weave the traditional patterns.
أنا كُنْتُ أُراقبُها تَنْسجُ الأشكال التقليديةَ.
Her carpets were beautiful.
سجادها كَان جميلاً.
She taught me how to weave
علّمتْني كَيفَ أَنْسجُ
– my first piece was a belt.
- قطعتي الأولى كَانتْ حزاماً.
We didn’t use to have a TV,
نحن لم نعتّد عَلى أَنْ نملك تلفازاً،
and in the evening we’d often sit and tell traditional stories and sing folk songs.
وفي المساء كنا نجلس في أغلب الأحيان ونُخبرُ قصصَاً تقليديةَ ونَغنّي الأغاني الشعبيةَ.
But nowadays, my grandchildren watch TV and play computer games.
لكن في هذه الأيام، يُشاهدُ أحفادَي التلفاز ويَلْعبُون ألعابَ الحاسوبِ.
I hope they don’t forget the old traditional ways.
أَتمنّى بأنّ لا يَنْسوا الطرقَ التقليديةَ القديمةَ.

v I was a doctor – I often used to work ten hours a day.
v "أنا كُنْتُ طبيباً – اعتدت على أن أعمل في أغلب الأحيان عشَر ساعات يومياً.
Sometimes I’d work at the weekends as well.
أحياناً أنا كنت أَعْملُ في عُطل نهاية الأسبوع أيضاً.
We didn’t use to have the medicine
نحن ما تَعوّدنا عَلى أَنْ نمتلك الدواء
and equipment that hospitals have today.
والأجهزة التي تملكها المستشفيات اليوم.
But we were very skilled,
لَكنَّنا كُنّا ماهرون جداً،
and I would be really happy when my patients got well again.
وأنا كنت سعيدَاً جداً عندما يتحسن مرضاي ثانيةً.
I didn’t use to have a car
أنا ما تَعوّدتُ عَلى أَنْ أملك سيارة
and I used to walk home through the old market.
وأنا كُنْتُ أَمشّي للبيتَ خلال السوقِ القديمةِ.
I would buy presents for my family and fresh fruit for dinner.
وأنا كنت أَشتري الهدايا لعائلتِي والفواكه الطازجةِ للعشاءِ.
I think the fruit used to taste better than nowadays!
أعتقد أن الفاكهة كان طعمها أفضل مِنْ الوقت الحاضر!
I don’t work anymore,
أنا لا أَعْملُ بعد الآن،
but I keep up to date with the latest medical news.
لَكنِّي أَظْلُّ على إطلاع حول آخر الأخبارِ الطبيةِ.
(Student Book)P14
EX 1:
· Before there were radios, people used to listen to the storytellers.
· Before there was running water at homes, people used to fill the jars from the river.

EX 2:
1. She’d get the coloured wool ready for her.
2. They used to sit and tell traditional stories and sing folk songs.
3. They watch TV and play computer games.
4. He used to be a doctor. He used to work ten hours a day.
5. He didn’t have a car. He used to walk home through the market.
6. He would buy presents for his family and fresh fruit for dinner.

(Student Book)P15
EX 3:
Ì 1- past simple:

1. My mother was a carpet weaver.
2. She taught me how to weave.
3. I was a doctor.
4. we were very skilled.

Ì 2- used to/didn’t use to:
1. We didn’t use to have a TV.
2. I often used to work ten hours a day.
3. I think the fruit used to taste better than nowadays.
Ì 3- would:
1. I’d get the coloured wool ready for her.
2. Sometimes I’d work at the weekends as well.
3. I would be really happy when my patients got well again.

EX 4:
v Omar
1. .He didn’t use to have a Computer.

2. . He used to travel a lot for his job
3. . He used to report on all the sports events
4. . He would go to all the football matches
5. . He would take his sons to the matches
6. . He used to write reports on a Typewriter.
v Abla
1. .She didn’t use to be much traffic.
2. . She didn’t use to have any water or electricity.

3. . She used to live in a house
4. . She would go to the well.
EX 2:
1. There used to be a tree, but now there’s a fountain.
2. There used to be a bus stop.
3. The road used to be small, but now it is wide enough.
4. There didn’t use to be much traffic. Now there is a lot.
5. There used to be a big building, but now it’s a restaurant.

THE NEWS (page 16)
(مُجَاراة (متابعة الأخبار
· Newspapers contain news, information and advertising,
تَحتوي الصُحُفُ أخباراً ومعلوماتَ وإعلانات،
and are printed on low-cost paper.
ومطبوعة على ورق رخيصةِ الكلفة.
They can be daily or weekly, national or local.
ويُمكنُ أَنْ يَكُونوا بشكل يومي أَو أسبوعي، قومي أَو محليّ.
Newspapers began about 500 years ago –
بَدأتْ الصُحُف قبل حوالي 500 سنة -
the first ones were in Germany.
الأوائل كَانتْ في ألمانيا.
In those days, newspapers were handwritten
في تلك الأيامِ، كُتِبتْ الصُحُف باليد
and used to be passed from person to person.
وكَانَت تُمْرَّر من شخصِ إلى آخر.
But they weren’t very different from today!
لَكنَّها ما كَانت مختلفة جداً عن اليوم!
They had information about wars, economic conditions,
كَانَ فيها معلوماتُ حول الحروبِ، والأحوال الاقتصادية،
social customs and human-interest features.
والعادات الاجتماعية وميزّات الاهتمام البشريَ.
Newspapers used to be very expensive.
كَانتْ الصُحُف غاليةَ جداً.
Poor people couldn’t afford them.
لم يَستطع الناس الفقراء أَنْ يَقتنوها.
But in the 1800s, printing became cheaper
لكن في s(1800) ، أصبحَ الَطْبعُ أرخص
and ordinary people could afford to buy them.
وتمكن الناس العاديون أَنْ يَتحمّلوا شرائها.
The oldest newspaper still in existence
والصحيفة الأقدم التي ما تزال موجودة
was first published in Austria in 1703.
نُشِرَت أولاً في النمسا في 1703.
The oldest newspaper in the Arab world is Al-Ahram,
إنّ الصحيفةَ الأقدمَ في العالمِ العربيِ هيَ الأهرام،
which started in 1876.
والتي انطلقت (بدأت) في 1876.

· People who write articles for a newspaper are called ‘journalists’.
الناس الذين يَكْتبونَ المقالاتَ لِصَحيفة يُدْعَون 'الصحفيين'.
But no newspaper can afford to send journalists to report on all events,
لكن لا صحيفةَ يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تَتحمّلَ إرْسال الصحفيين لتَقديم التقارير عن كُلّ الأحداث،
so they buy stories from news agencies around the world.
لذا يَشترونَ القصصَ مِنْ وكالاتِ الأنباء حول العالمِ.
And no newspaper has room for all the stories that happen every day.
ولا صحيفةَ لَها متَّسع لكُلّ القصص التي تَحْدثُ كُلّ يوم.
So the news editor holds a meeting
لذا محرّر الأخبار يعقد اجتماعاً
where they decide what stories to publish.
حيث يُقرّرونَ القصص الواجب نشرها.
· They also decide where the photos and advertisements will go.
ويُقرّرونَ أيضاً أين سَتَذْهبُ الصورَ والإعلاناتَ.
These days, newspapers are cheap
هذه الأيامِ، الصُحُف رخيصة
because half the cost is paid for by advertising.
لأن نصْفَ الكلفة تُدْفَعُ من قبل الإعلان.
A lot of people used to read a paper every day.
الكثير مِنْ الناسِ كَانوا يقرؤون جريدة كُلّ يوم.
But today fewer people are reading newspapers than before.
لكن اليوم ناس أقلَ يقرؤون الصُحُفَ، مِنْ قَبِل.
Instead, they go online and get their news from newspaper websites.
بدلاً مِن ذلك، يدخلون عبر الإنترنتَ ويَحْصلوا على أخبارِهم مِنْ مواقعِ شبكة الصحيفةِ.
Although we now have 24-hour news on TV and online,
بالرغم من أنه عِنْدَنا الآن أخبار في التلفاز وعبر الإنترنتِ على مدار 24 ساعة ،
newspapers are printed only once a day.
تُطبع الصُحُف فقط مرة يومياً.
So in the future, newspapers may put all the freshest news online
لذا في المستقبلِ، قَدْ تَضِعُ الصُحُف كُلّ الأخبار الأحدث عبر الإنترنت
and the printed newspapers will only have articles with opinions and comments.
والصُحُف المطبوعة سيكون لديها فقط مقالات بآراء وتعليقاتِ.

Vocabulary newspapers: مفردات الصًّحف:
headlines, cartoon, weather forecast,
النشرة الجوية رسم كاريكاتوري عناوين المقالات(الأخبار)
review, advert, caption
عنوان إعلان معاينة-تنقيح

(Student Book)P16
EX 1:
1. e 2. f 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. D
Reading: (page 17)
(Student Book)P17
EX 2:
People read newspapers to Know what's going in the world. Yes, my family read sometimes newspapers. Sometimes I do.

EX 3:
1. Newspapers have existed FOR about 500 years.
2. The first newspapers appeared IN Germany.
3. Newspapers became cheaper IN the 1800s.
4. They decide what stories to publish and where the photos and advertisements will go.
5.It's Al-Ahram.
6. They may put all the freshest news online and only have articles with opinions and comments in the printed newspapers.
7. For Knowledge and getting fresh information.

EX 4:
The voice starts high at the beginning of the questions..

EX 5:
E. China and Syria start talks
A. Police arrest bank robber
F. Government to invest in hospitals
D. Oil prices rising
C. People buying more on the Internet
B. National football team wins

EX 6:
Reading a newspaper is better for your eyes than reading a computer screen.
Reading a newspaper is more enjoyable.
You can read a newspaper on the bus more easily.
You can keep interesting articles and read them again.
You don’t have to scroll down ; You can see the whole article at the same time
News on the Internet is fresher than news in newspapers.
You can read the news from several different newspapers online.
It is quicker to find a story online than to go out and buy a newspaper.
You can use a search engine to find the story you are interested in.

EX 7:
1. '' Reading a newspapers is better than reading news on the internet.''

· Write your reasons either for or against the statement.

I think it's important to know that reading newspapers is a good way to find out the latest news, because they are more relaxing than reading news on the internet. However, there are many advantages of reading news on the internet. You can click on links and watch what you like. For example, you can get an instantaneous update to what happens every moment. Readers are invited to give their comments, too. On the other hand, reading newspapers is healthy for our eyes because reading news on the internet needs much time to finish. Finally, although reading newspapers is useful, many people find reading news on the internet more interesting. Finally, although newspapers are useful, many people find news on the internet active and more convenient.

(Student Book)P18
Once upon a time
كان يا ما كان في قديم الزمان

In the days before television, radio and films, people told stories.
في الأيام قبل التلفاز والراديو والأفلام، روى(أخبرَ) الناسَ القصصَ.
And with these stories they managed to entertain their audience,
وبهذه القصصِ ,استطاعوا أن يسَلّوا جمهورِهم،
teach them and give them moral lessons.
يعلمونهم ويلقنوهم دروسَاً أخلاقيةَ.
In Arabic, traditional stories often start ‘Kan ya ma kan’.
في اللغة العربيةِ, تبدأ القصصِ التقليديةِ في أغلب الأحيان ' كان يا ما كان'.
But ‘Once upon a time’ is the traditional beginning of folk tales in English.
لكن ' كان يا ما كان في قديم الزمان' هي البِداية التقليديةُ للقصص الشعبيةِ في اللغةِ الإنجليزيةِ.
In the past, people weren’t able to travel easily.
في الماضي، لم يكن الناس قادرين على أن يسافروا بسهولة.
Journeys were long and slow.
كَانتْ الرحلات طويلة وبطيئة.
So each village was isolated and told different versions of the same stories.
لذا عُزِلتْ كُلّ قرية وأُخبرتْ نسخَاً مختلفةَ لنفس القصصِ.
Amazingly, many of these traditional stories are very similar across the Arab world.
وبشكل مدهش، العديد مِنْ هذه القصصِ التقليديةِ مماثلة جداً عبر العالمِ العربيِ.
There are stories about princes and princesses, animals and ghosts,
هناك قصص حول الأمراءِ والأميراتِ وحيواناتِ وأشباحِ،
thieves and robbers, hidden treasures, rich sultans and poor men.
سارقين ولصوص، وكنوز مخفية، وسلاطين أغنياء ورجال فقراء.
Men used to meet around a fire after dark and tell their stories.
كَان الرجال يَجتمعونَ حول نار بعد الظلامِ ويُخبرونَ(يروون) قصصَهم.
Women used to gather together and tell stories while they sewed their dresses.
النِساء كُنّ يَتجمّعنَ ويُخبرنَ القصصَ بينما يخيّطن ألبستَهم.
They told stories to their children to educate and entertain them.
يخبرن القصصَ إلى أطفالِهن ليُعَلّمونهم ويسلونهم.
Most people were able to tell simple stories,
أكثر الناسِ كَانوا قادرين على إخْبار القصصِ البسيطةِ،
but most of them couldn’t remember long stories, or tell them in an exciting way.
لكن معظمهم لم يَستطع أَنْ يَتذكّرَ قصصَاً طويلةَ، أَو يُخبرُهم عَلى نَحوٍ مثير.
So there were also professional storytellers who travelled from village to village.
لذا كان هناك أيضاً رواة قصصٍ محترفين الذين سافروا مِنْ قريةِ إلى أخرى.

In this way, they could have dinner and stay the night.
بهذه الطريقة، استطاعوا أَنْ يَتعشّوا ويَبْقوا الليلَ.
They were very talented, and they could remember incredibly long stories and poems.
كَانوا موهوبين جداً، واستطاعوا أَنْ يَتذكّروا بشكلٍ لا يصدّق القصصَ والقصائدَ الطويلةَ جداً.
In fact, they were able to talk for days!
في الحقيقة، هم كَانوا قادرون على الكَلام لأيامِ!
They managed to do this with only a stick for emphasis.
استطاعوا أن يفعلوا هذا فقط مَع عصا وذلك للتأكيدِ.
Their audience listened attentively,
استمع جمهورهم بانتباه،
stopping the storyteller to discuss the story’s moral message.
موقفين زاوي القصّة لمُنَاقَشَة رسالةِ القصّةَ الأخلاقيةَ.
Sometimes, the storyteller used to stop at an exciting moment to take a sip of tea.
أحياناً، كان راوي القصّة يتوقف عند لحظةِ مثيرةِ لاحتساء رشفة الشاي.
Certain qualities were important in these stories: generosity, faith and hospitality.
كَانتْ سجايا محددة مهمة في هذه القصصِ: الكرم وإيمان وحسن الضيافة.
Fortunately, many of these oral tales were collected and recorded before they were forgotten.
لحسن الحظ، العديد مِنْ هذه الحكاياتِ الشفهيةِ جُمِعتْ وسُجّلتْ قبل أن تُنسى.
And we can still read, listen and learn from them today.
ونحن ما زِلنا نستطيع أَنْ نَقْرأُ، نستمعُ ونتعلّمُ منها اليوم.

(Student Book)P19
EX 1
Sinbad, Ali Baba and Robin Hood.
Yes, but we don't know the same version.

EX 2
1. In English, they begin ‘Once upon a time …’; in Arabic,
they begin ‘Kan ya ma kan’.
2. To entertain the audience, teach them and give them
moral lessons.
3. Because each village was isolated and told different versions of the same stories.
4. They used a stick for emphasis.
5. They used to stop at an exciting moment to take a sip of tea.
6. Generosity, faith and hospitality.
7. Yes, but they are not the same as the old stories

EX 3
1. managed to
2. weren’t able to travel
3. were able to tell
4. couldn’t remember
5. could have
6. could remember
7. were able to talk
8. managed to do

EX 4
Once upon a time, Robert was on holiday with his parents and his younger sister at the weekend. First they went out in a small fishing boat to the sea. After that the motor stopped, and he wasn't able to start it again. Then they shouted, but no one could be heard. After awhile, they saw something in the water – a big shark! Suddenly it started knocking the boat. Next Robert’s father tried to scare the shark by hitting it with the oar, but he didn’t manage to. Then luckily a fisherman came and rescued them. Finally, we managed to get back home.

(Student Book)P20
The door

1. A king wanted his kingdom to be famous

أرادَ ملك مملكتَه أن تَكُونَ مشهورةَ
for making new scientific discoveries.

للقيام(لصنع) الاكتشافات العلميةِ الجديدةِ.
So he sent his servants out to faraway towns and cities

لذا أرسلَ خدمَه خارجاً إلى البلداتِ والمُدنِ البعيدةِ
to look for the best scientist possible.

للبَحْث عن أفضل عالمِ محتملِ(مؤهل).
They found the most respected scientists in the kingdom –

وَجدوا العلماءَ الأكثر احتراما في المملكةِ -
each one an expert.

كُلّ واحد خبير.
The king welcomed them to his palace.

رحّبَ الملكُ بهم إلى قصرِه.
He said, ‘As you know I am looking for a top scientist.

قالَ، ' كما تعرفون أَبْحثُ عن عالم في مرتبة عليا.
I want him to make exciting new discoveries

أُريدُه أَنْ يَتوصّلَ إلى اكتشافات جديدة مذهلة.

that will change the world.

الذي سَتُغيّرُ العالمَ.
So he must be imaginative, decisive and courageous.’

لذا يَجِبُ أَنْ يَكُونَ شجاعاً وحاسماً وواسع الخيالَ. '

2. Then the king looked at all the scientists and said,

ثمّ نَظرَ الملكُ إلى كُلّ العلماء وقالَ،
‘You have to prove that you are the right person for the job.

' يَجِبُ أَنْ تُثبتوا بأنّكم الأشخاص المناسبون للعمل.
The person who does this will work in a fabulous laboratory,

الشخص الذي يفعل ذلك سَيَعْملُ في مختبر رائع(خرافي)،
with all the books, equipment and riches.’

بكُلّ الكُتُب والمعدات والأموال (الثروات). '
He pointed to an enormous door in the wall behind him

أشارَ إلى بابِ هائلِ في الحائطِ خلفه
which the scientists hadn’t noticed.

الذي لم يلاحظه العلماء.
‘This door is the biggest and heaviest door in my kingdom.

' هذا البابِ هو الأكبرُ والأثقلُ في مملكتِي.
You must open it without any help.’

يَجِبُ أَنْ تَفْتحَوه بدون أيّ مساعدة. '

3. The scientists looked at the door in horror.

نَظرَ العلماءُ إلى البابِ في رعبِ.
How could a single man open such an enormous door?

كَيْفَ يَفْتحُ رجل منفرد مثل هذا البابِ الهائلِ؟
It must be as heavy as a hundred men!

يَجِبُ أَنْ يَكُونَ ثقيلاً كمائة رجلِ!
Some of the scientists immediately said,

قالَ بعض العلماءِ فوراً،
‘We had better go and get our equipment and books, my lord.

' من الأفضل أن نَذْهبُ ونجلب معداتنا وكُتُبِنا، يا سيدي.
This problem needs many years of study.’

تَحتاجُ هذه المشكلةِ العديد مِنْ سَنَواتِ الدراسةِ. '
To which the king replied,

أجابَ الملك لذاك ،
‘You may be decisive, but you are not courageous.

' قَدْ تَكُونون حاسمين، لَكنَّكم لَسْتَم شجعاناً.
You will have to go back home.’

سيتوجب أَنْ تَعُودَوا للبيت. '

4. The other scientists sat and argued about mechanical theories.

جَلس العلماء الآخرون وتَجادلوا بشأن النظرياتَ الميكانيكيةَ.
But in the end, they got together and told the king,

لكن في النهاية، اجتمعوا وأخبروا الملكَ،
‘It is impossible, my lord.

' انه من المستحيلُ، يا سيدي.
You should employ all of us to work on this problem.

يَجِبُ أَنْ توظفنا كلّنا للعَمَل على هذه المشكلةِ.
With all our brains together,

بكُلّ أدمغتنا(مقدرتنا العقلية) معاً،
we ought to be able to open the door.’

يَجِبُ أَنْ نَكُونَ قادرين على أن نفَتْح البابِ. '
To which the king replied,

أجابَ الملك لذاك ،
‘You may be clever, but you are not imaginative.

' قَدْ تَكُونون أذكيَاء، لَكنَّكم لَسْتَم واسعي الخيالَ.
You will have to go back home, too!’

سيتوجب أَنْ تَعُودَوا للبيت، أيضاً! '

5. Now there was only one scientist left.

الآن كان يوجد هناك فقط عالمُ واحد متروك.
The king asked him to give his opinion.

طَلبَ مِنْه الملك إعْطاء رأيه.
He quietly went to the door.

ذَهبَ إلى البابِ بشكل هادئ.
He examined it closely,

فَحصَه عن كثب،
he measured it, he tapped it and he touched it.

قاسَه، ونَقرَه ثمّ لمسه.
Finally he took adeep breath …

وأخيراً أَخذَ نفساً عميقاً …
and pushed the door gently.

ودَفعَ البابَ بلطف.
It opened easily! The king had left the great door slightly open,

انفَتحَ بسهولة! تَركَ الملكُ البابَ العظيمَ مفتوحَا قليلاً،
and the other scientists hadn’t even noticed.

حتى أن العلماء الآخرون لم يلاحظوه.

6. ‘At last I have my scientist’, exclaimed the king.

' أخيراً حصلتُ على عالِمي '، هتفَ الملكَ.
‘Success in life depends on five things.

' يَعتمدُ النجاح في الحياةِ على خمسة أشياءِ.
You must depend on your senses to understand the world,

يَجِبُ أَنْ تَعتمدَ على أحاسيسِكَ لتفَهْم العالمِ،
you mustn’t make false assumptions,

لا يَجِبُ أنْ تُصيغَ فرضياتَ خاطئةَ،
you must make difficult decisions,

يَجِبُ أَنْ تَتّخذَ قراراتَ صعبةَ،
you must be courageous

يَجِبُ أَنْ تَكُونَ شجاعاً
and you mustn’t be afraid to make mistakes.’

ولا يَجِبُ أنْ تُخْشَى ارتكاب الأخطاءِ. '

(Student Book)P21
EX 1
1. They are the most respected scientists in the kingdom

2. He wants them to do something extraordinary about the door.

3. He wants them to help each other in solving the problem.

EX 2
1. The king is looking for an imaginative, decisive and courageous scientist.
2. They must open a large, heavy door without any help.
3. They suggest going to get their equipment and books to study.
4. The king employs them all in order to work together.
5. He went and pushed the door.
6. He depends on his senses to understand the world; he doesn’t make false assumptions; he makes difficult decisions; he is courageous and he isn’t afraid to make mistakes.
7. I'd have asked the King further questions about the door.

EX 3
They didn't depend on their senses.
The people who try to understand the world.

EX 4
1. must open
2. must be
3. should employ
4. had better go
5. have to prove
6. ought to be

EX 5
1. You'd better go now. The bus leaves in five minutes.
2. You ought to do it now. (You have to hand it in tomorrow.)
3. You should find an English penfriend on the Internet. (You can chat.)
4. You should do lots of sports. (Running is Good for You.)
5. You’d better eat something! (The dinner is ready now.)
6. You should give them to charities. (Go to their community center now.)
7. You should take some sun cream! (It will be sunny.)

Student Book)P22
EX 1
Talking with friends, on the TV, on the Internet, from older people, at work ….etc!

EX 2
1. The setting is when and where the story takes place.
2. The ending is what happens at the end of the story to
solve the problem by the hero.
3. The plot is the main sequence of events in a play, novel, or
4. The characters are the people in a novel, play, or film.

Student Book)P23
EX 3
1. Because it must have all the right ingredients.
2. Where and when the story takes place.
3. The main character has to solve all the problems.
4. Because you'll see a lot of people who try to take a part beside the hero.
5. The hero solves the problem successfully.

EX 4:
Repeat these words.
1. read write story problem describe

2. word first before hear personality

EX 5
Tape Script
Presenter: Our guest on Book Club today is Paul Robinson, one of our best writers of adventure stories. Hi, Paul.
Paul: Hello. It’s nice to be here.
Presenter: Paul, what advice do you have for young
Paul: Well, I want to talk about writing the story. First of all, you should write the whole of your story before you stop to check it. And you should have fun when you’re writing your story. You should enjoy it! My second piece of advice is, you ought to always write about things you know. If there’s something you don’t know – for example, what’s it like on the moon? – then do some research before you start writing.
Presenter: What’s your third tip?
Paul: When you’ve finished, you must read your story
and make corrections. My fourth point is, give it to your friends and family to read. They will tell you if there’s anything you ought to change. Then make changes if you have to.
Presenter: And do you have a final point?
Paul: And finally, to write good stories, you must practise! That’s the most important thing you can do.
Presenter: Thank you very much, Paul.
Paul: It was a pleasure.

1. should write
2. ought to; write; know
3. must read; corrections
4. your friends and family
5. must practise

Module 1
Past & present
(Activity Book)P4
EX 1:
2. excited f
3. upset g
4. angry d
5. worried / nervous a
6. afraid b
7. impressed e

EX 2:
1. What are you studying in History this year?
2. We are learning about Ancient Greece.
3. What do you do at the weekend?
4. I play volleyball every Saturday.
5. I am thinking about starting a reading club.
6. That’s a good idea! I am reading a good book at the moment.

EX 3:
1. was riding
2. was waiting, started
3. was thinking, had
4. was lying, heard
5. was having, rang

(Activity Book)P5
EX 4:
1. am enjoying 2. are visiting 3. Went 4. See
5. Was wearing 6. was standing 7. thought 8. was walking
9. put 10. Screamed 11. Saw 12. felt

EX 5:
1. used to live 2. didn’t use to watch 3. used to play
4. didn’t use to drive 5. used to ride 6. used to walk

EX 6:
1. ✗ used to
2. ✔
3. ✗ used to
4. ✗ didn’t use to
5. ✗ used to
6. ✔
7. ✗ didn’t use to

EX 7:
1. use to 2. used to 3. used to 4. used to 5. used to / would
6. used to 7. used to 8. used to / would

EX 8:
· They used to meet up with each other to tell their stories in the evenings.
· , they used to ride animals from place to another.
· Before there were pills, they used to cure an illness with herbs.

(Activity Book)P6
Skills development
v In 1976, a student in Poland wrote to his parents.
في 1976, كَتبَ طالب في بولندا إلى أبويهِ.
The student was living and studying at a university,
كَانَ الطالب يَعِيشُ ويَدْرسُ في جامعة،
a long way from where his parents were living.
بعيداً عن المكان حيث كَان يَعِيش أبويهِ.
The postcard arrived – 30 years later!
وَصلتْ البطاقة البريدية - بعد 30 سنة!
The writer of the postcard is now married, with two children.
إنّ كاتبَ البطاقة البريديةِ متتزوّج الآن، مَع طفلين.
While he was growing older –
بينما كَانَ يتقدم بالعمر -
sailing around the world on a boat,
مبحراّ حول العالم على مركب،
having a serious heart operation in hospital –
مجرياً عملية قلبِ ضرورية(خطيرة) في المستشفى -
the postcard was slowly travelling around Poland.
كَانتْ البطاقة البريدية تُسافرُ ببطئ حول بولندا.
The writer’s parents moved not long before the card arrived
والدا الكاتبَ انتقلا لَيس قبل فترة طويلة من وَصولْ البطاقةَ
so the neighbours sent the card back to him.
لذا أعاد الجيران البطاقة إليه.

v A train going from London to Manchester suddenly stopped.
تَوقّفَ قطارِ ذاهب مِنْ لندن إلى مانشستر فجأة.
The passengers were wondering why the train wasn’t moving.
كَان المسافرون يتساءلون لِماذا لم يَتحرّكُ القطارَ.
They were shocked when they heard the train driver’s voice,
صُدِموا عندما سَمعوا صوتَ سائقَ القطار،
‘We’ve got a broken windscreen wiper.
' نحن عِنْدَنا ماسحة زجاجة أمامية مَكْسُورة.
Can anyone help to fix it?’
هَلّ بالإمكان أيّ واحد أن يصلحها؟
Four men got up and went to help.
نَهض أربعة رجالِ وذَهبوا للمُسَاعَدَة.
One of them said: ‘I couldn’t believe what was happening.
أحدهم قالَ: ' أنا لا أَستطيعُ أَنْ أصدق الذي كُانُ قد حدث.
When I got to the front of the train,
عندما وَصلتُ إلى مقدمة الطارِ،
I saw a man standing with one foot on the platform.
رَأيتُ رجلاِّ واقفاً بقدمِ واحدة على الرصيفِ.
He was stretching across the window,
هو كَانَ يتمطّى عبر النافذةِ،
holding up the broken windscreen wiper.
معيقاً الماسحة الزجاجة الأماميةِ المَكْسُورةِ.
I was even more surprised
أنا تفاجأتُ لدرجة أكبر
when he told me he was a passenger, too!’
عندما أخبرَني بأنه كَانَ مسافراً، أيضاً! '
The men tried to repair the broken windscreen wiper,
حاول الرجال تَصليح المساحة الزجاجة الأماميةِ المَكْسُورةِ،
but in the end, they gave up,
لكن في النهاية، استسلموا،
and everyone got off the train,
ونَزلَ كُلّ شخص من القطارِ،
and took a different one to Manchester
واستقل قطاراً مختلفاً إلى مانشستر.

v A woman was walking to a stadium in Munich, Germany,
v " كَانتْ امرأة تَمْشي إلى ملعب في ميونيخ، ألمانيا،
to watch a match during the last World Cup Football tournament.
لمُرَاقَبَة مباراة أثناء بطولةِ كأسِ كرةِ قدم العالم الأخيرةِ.
She was standing outside the stadium,
هي كَانتْ تَقِفُ خارج الملعبَ،
when a thief saw the ticket in her bag.
عندما لصّ رَأى التذكرةَ في حقيبتِها.
He stole the ticket and went into the stadium instead of the woman.
سَرقَ التذكرةَ ودَخلَ الملعبَ بدلاً مِنْ المرأة.
But he didn’t realise that he was sitting next to the woman’s husband!
لَكنَّه لَمْ يُدركْ بأنّه كَانَ يَجْلسُ بجانب زوجِ المرأة!
The woman’s husband immediately called a security guard
استدعى زوج المرأة فوراً حارساً أمنياً
when he saw someone else sitting in his wife’s place.
عندما رَأى شخصاً آخر جالساً في مكانِ زوجتِه.
Soon, the thief was sitting somewhere else ….
قريباً، كَانَ اللصّ يَجْلسُ في مكان آخر ….
in a police station.
في مركز شرطة.

(Activity Book)P6
EX 1:
1. b 2. c 3. A

EX 2:
1. operation f. when a doctor or surgeon tries to repair a part of someone’s body
2. neighbours b. people living next door
3. windscreen wiper d. the mechanical part of a vehicle that wipes water from the window
4. platform e. the part of a train station where people stand and wait for the train
5. security guard c. someone whose job is to protect a place or people
6. tournament a. competition

EX 3:
1. They moved before the card arrived.
2. The windscreen wiper was broken.
3. He was waiting for his wife, and when he saw a stranger
sitting in her seat, he knew something was wrong.

EX 4:
I think it's something unbelievable. The funniest story is about the thief who stole the woman's ticket.

(Activity Book)P7
ü You can find out about the news more often, on TV.
ü TV news is more interesting because you can listen to people speaking.
ü You can understand news better when you see it on TV.
ü There aren’t always pictures of things you are reading about in the newspaper.
ü Students don’t have enough time to read a newspaper every day.

ü You can read newspapers anywhere – on the bus or train, for example.
ü Reading is more relaxing than watching TV.

2 Storytellers

Language practice

1. could
2. manage to
3. couldn’t
4. could
5. couldn’t

1. were able to
2. weren’t able to
3. was able to
4. manage to
5. wasn’t able to

1. must
2. must
3. mustn’t
4. should
5. don’t have to
6. should
7. should

1. had better
2. ought to
3. ought to / had better
4. ought to

Skills development
1. a 2. a 3. b
1. journey
2. crops
3. cold


I’ll never forget the first day of my holiday last year. It was the worst day, too! First, I overslept. I didn’t hear my alarm clock, so I was late for the bus and my football match. Then I dressed quickly, and ran down the street to the sports centre. I was running so fast, I tripped and fell. Next, I was lying on the ground in pain. After that, I don’t remember much about what happened. But I ended up in hospital somehow – with a broken leg! But that wasn’t all. My team finally played the match, without me – and lost. And the very worst thing was, I spent my holiday indoors, instead of having fun with my friends outside.

Progress Test
1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a
1. b 2. e 3. f 4. d 5. a 6. c

Language practice
1. do, do; have
2. is, studying; is studying
3. are, listening; am listening
4. does, do; is
5. are, waiting; am waiting, is

1. met
2. was
3. was walking
4. was thinking
5. saw
6. was waving
7. stopped
8. was talking
9. were starting
10. came

1. used to
2. didn’t use to
3. would / used to
4. would /used to
5. used to
6. would / used to
7. used to


1. should
2. mustn’t
3. have to
4. must
5. don’t have to127
Activity Book answer key

1. ought to
2. had better
3. ought to
4. ought to
5. ought to

1. had better return
2. ought to go to bed
3. had better get up
4. ought to help
5. had better come
6. ought to ask

_ ======================================================
Students' book
A story for an adventure film
Ali papa was 14,he lived with his family. He was a courageous strong boy with long
hair and brown eyes ,he wore traditional clothes. He liked helping the poor but hated the
bad ones. One day he found the thieves' treasure in a cave .The thieves looked for him, he
fought them and could defeat them. After that he gave the poor a lot of the money and
lived happily with his family.
Students' book
Page 24
A short traditional folk tale
Once upon a time, Ali papa, who was a courageous strong boy found the thieves'
treasure in a cave. The thieves were bad and evil. They tried to kill him, but he fought them
and could defeat them. After that he gave the money to the poor and lived happily. We can
learn that helping people brings you happiness.
Activity book
Page 11
The worst day of my life
I'll never forget the first day of my holiday . It was the worst day, too. First we arrived
very late at the hotel. The rooms were very dirty and the food was terrible . The worst thing
that there was no hot water so I couldn't have a shower . I couldn't sleep that night
because the people in the next room were noisy, the next morning was a disaster, it rained
all the time, so I couldn't go swimming.
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Activity book
Page 15
Something happened to you or to someone in your family, recently
Last week I was driving home when a boy suddenly ran in front of my car. Luckily, the car
missed him but it crashed into a tree. I tried to get out, but I couldn't because the door was
locked. Some people helped me out and I was taken to the hospital. A few hours later I
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
دروس اللغه الانجليزي للي الصف التاسع
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
»  ملخصات مادة الدراسات الاجتماعية للصف التاسع 2011 - اسئلة تقوية + اسئلة اختبار + اسئلة مراجعة لمادة الدراسات الاجتماعية للصف التاسع 2011
» تعليم الانجليزي
» دروس الفوتشوب..
» دروس لي كلامنا في العامية بس بالانجليزي

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
أحساس مهمل :: ღ––––•(-• القْسًـمْ اْلعُـًًـاُمْ •-)•––––ღ :: ║اًلْللًغة الًانْجلًيزُيهْ..-
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